Property Search


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   Use the Property Search above to see property information and make payments    

Payments made online will be reflected online and in the tax system the next business day

If you think your payment did not process, please contact the Treasurer's office at 785-832-5178 before submitting another payment

Service Fee Schedule
eCheck Fee Online:
  • $1.00 per transaction
  • There will be a $30.00 service charge for each returned payment
  • Please verify your routing number and account number with your bank

Credit/Debit Card Fee Online and In Office:
  • 2.35% (50-cent minimum) of the transaction amount
Pilot Property Tax Rebate
  • Applicant must be the current owner and occupant of the home
  • Age 65 or older, or disabled veteran as defined by K.S.A. 79-4502
  • Total household income at or below the HUD Very Low Income Guidelines for 2024
    • Household income includes 100% of Social Security and SSI Benefits.
    • Does not include Social Security Disability or SSI Disability Payments
  • County appraised value of home does not exceed $350,000
  • Home cannot be used as a short-term rental
Get more information on the Douglas County website
Frequently Asked Questions
Please visit our Frequent Questions page below for commonly asked questions. 
Change of Address
The Change of Address Form can be used to request address changes on Real Estate (houses, land) or Personal Property (mobile homes, watercraft, heavy trucks). This form should not be used to request address changes for motor vehicle registrations.
Contact Us
Douglas County Treasurer
1100 Massachusetts Street, Lawrence, KS 66044
(First Floor)
Phone: 785-832-5178
Fax: 785-832-0226
Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Douglas County Appraiser
1100 Massachusetts Street, Lawrence, KS 66044
(Basement Floor)
Real Estate Phone: 785-832-5133
Personal Property Phone: 785-832-5289
Fax: 785-841-0021
Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Information Disclaimer
Douglas County makes every effort to produce and publish the most current and accurate information possible. This public information is furnished as a public service. The information must be accepted and used by the recipient with the understanding that the data was developed and collected for the purpose of developing property valuations, using the criteria of fair market value, as required by the State of Kansas. The appraised values are updated each year in November after the current tax year is calculated. The tax information provided is based on the current assessed value. The Appraiser's Office and Treasurer's Office assume no liability whatsoever associated with the use or misuse of such data, and disclaims any representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the data.
Kansas Open Records Act Statement
“No person shall knowingly sell, give or receive, for the purpose of selling or offering for sale any property or service to persons listed therein, any list of names and addresses contained in or derived from public records...”  K.S.A. 45-230(a). Violation of this law may subject the violator to a civil penalty of $500.00 for each violation.

Kansas Open Records Act
Payment Under Protest

Protest forms may be filed if a meeting has not been held regarding the valuation of the property for the same tax year.

Complete and submit the Payment Under Protest form online, by mail or in-person with the County Treasurer's Office after November 1st and on or before December 20th with payment. (If at least one-half (1/2) of the taxes are paid by an escrow agent, a protest of the taxes must be filed no later than the following January 31.) If taxes are paid after these deadlines, any protest of the taxes must be filed at the time the taxes are paid.

The County Appraiser will schedule an informal meeting after the County Treasurer forwards the Payment Under Protest form with paid receipt to their office.

If filing a protest on the basis of an illegal tax levy, an Appendix must be completed and attached to the protest form. Those protest forms will be mailed by the Treasurer to the State Board of Tax Appeals. No informal hearing will be held with the Appraiser in the case of an illegal tax levy protest.

If the Payment Under Protest appeal is successful and if taxes are reduced after the adjustment is made, the tax reduction will appear on the second half tax amount due or, if taxes are paid in full, a refund will be issued.

Please read and follow the instructions carefully for a successful appeal. NOTE: If the protest form is received in the Treasurer's office unsigned, the protest will be considered invalid and will be returned. Delays may jeopardize the chances for a hearing.

Payment Under Protest

Declaration of Representative

Illegal Levy
Office Locations
* Payments can be made in the Treasurer's office with cash, check, money order or by credit card. There is a processing fee for all credit cards.
Courthouse - 1100 Massachusetts St, Lawrence KS 66044
West Satellite - 2601 W 6th St, Lawrence KS 66049
Drop Box Locations
* Please include identifying information, such as QuickRefID or PIN, with your payment.
Courthouse - 1100 Massachusetts St, Lawrence KS 66044
West Satellite - 2601 W 6th St, Lawrence KS 66049


Every effort has been made to offer the most current and correct information possible on these pages. The information included on these pages has been compiled by County staff from a variety of sources, and is subject to change without notice. The Douglas County Appraiser's and Treasurer's office makes no warranties or representations whatsoever regarding the quality, content, completeness, accuracy or adequacy of such information and data. The Douglas County Appraiser's and Treasurer's office reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice. Original records may differ from the information on these pages. Verification of information on source documents is recommended. By using this application, you assume all risks arising out of or associated with access to these pages, including but not limited to risks of damage to your computer, peripherals, software and data from any virus, software, file or other cause associated with access to this application. The Douglas County Appraiser's and Treasurer's office shall not be liable for any damages whatsoever arising out of any cause relating to use of this application, including but not limited to mistakes, omissions, deletions, errors, or defects in any information contained in these pages, or any failure to receive or delay in receiving information said or implied.